Multiply lead generation , Increase deal size, shorten sales cycles & make more money

I help sales professionals and teams learn to develop and convert

business with efficiency, consistency, and ease.

Are you constantly worried about where your next Sale will come from?

Does this sound like you

Are you great at building relationships and trust with prospects but feel uncomfortable when it is time to close the deal?

Do you find yourself chasing prospects and doing a ton of follow up?

Is your business a constant rollercoaster? Do you have seasons of overwhelming business then crickets? Paired with peak confidence, then peak self-doubt?

Are you tired of feeling like your business, income and future is out of your control and totally unpredictable?

It doesn’t have to be

Most of my clients have come to me after having read the books, attended seminars, worked with other coaches. Some have even walked on coals.

I usually hear something like, “What is wrong is me? I’ve done it all! But, I am not getting results, I’m still making the same income and struggling everyday to feel confident. I'm tired of being overwhelmed and scared that it's all about to fall apart or that I am going to give up.”

The answer is not a damn thing!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you!

But, there is a lot wrong with most sales training and coaching. Many inevitably leave talented salespeople struggling to get results regardless of their long hoursconstant grind.

But imagine if you could…

  • Start every month with a pipeline full of qualified, ready-to-buy, high-revenue prospects

  • Feel confidence, in control and fearless every day

  • master advanced sales strategies that feel authentic, client-centric AND Convert

  • hit your goals in less time, with less hustle and stress


XXX Lead Generation , Sell Authentically, Make More Money

So what’s inside

Here’s what’s included:

what they are saying

Working with Jessie has been the #1 game changer in my life and sales career!

Jessie has helped me implement unique strategies that differentiate me from my competitors and has allowed me to land some of the largest deals of my career. As I transitioned to a new company, Jessie helped me navigate a new sales process and ultimately achieve over $1m+ in net new sales-all within year one. Jessie has an amazing skill set that not only allows you to uncover your blind spots, but quickly solve for them and set yourself apart from the pack.


Working with Jessie has truly been the best coaching experience I have had, and I have had more than four coaches throughout my career.

She is someone who truly listens to your goals, the problems you are facing, the fears that are playing a role, and gives you tailored actionable steps to overcome challenges and get to where you need to be. On the last call I had with her she helped me with a presentation idea that will generate income more than double the total cost of working with her for a year. If you are looking to grow and build something special Jessie is your girl! ”

james love financial advisor manager


students Nulla consequat massa


students Nulla consequat massa


students Nulla consequat massa


students Nulla consequat massa

use the slideshow to showcase different results by your students

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Pricing plans

Select the plan that works for you

Pay In Full


  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget,

  • lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget,

  • lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim

Payment Plan


  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget,

  • lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget,

  • lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim

contact me if you need help or have any questions

Check out these Bonus Bundles

bonus one

community mentorship program

(value: $2500)

Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis


  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl.

  • Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim

  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl.

  • Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim

bonus Two

bonus name would go here

(value: $2500)

Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis


  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl.

  • Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim

  • Ut id nisl quis enim dignissim sagittis. Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl.

  • Vestibulum turpis sem, aliquet eget, lobortis pellentesque, rutrum eu, nisl. Cras id dui. Ut id nisl quis enim


this course has transformed the way i Quisque libero metus condimentum nec Vivamus in erat ut urna

Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis ligula, eget egestas libero turpis vel mi. Phasellus blandit leo ut odio.

Name Here

this course has transformed the way i Quisque libero metus condimentum nec Vivamus in erat ut urna

Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis ligula, eget egestas libero turpis vel mi. Phasellus blandit leo ut odio.

Name Here

video could be added here

Ready to scale Pellentesque ut neque. In enim justo, rhoncus

this is for you if:

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

this is not for you if:

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Morbi ac felis. Nunc sed turpis. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo.

Hi I am Emily Dow


Nam at tortor in tellus interdum sagittis. Praesent adipiscing. Donec mi odio, faucibus at, scelerisque

Nam at tortor in tellus interdum sagittis. Praesent adipiscing. Donec mi odio, faucibus at, scelerisque quis, convallis in, nisi. Sed libero. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

Nam at tortor in tellus interdum sagittis. Praesent adipiscing. Donec mi odio, faucibus at, scelerisque quis, convallis in, nisi. Sed libero. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

Nam at tortor in tellus interdum sagittis. Praesent adipiscing. Donec mi odio, faucibus at, scelerisque

seen in-

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